What is personal loan?
A personal loan is an unsecured loan. It helps you meet your urgent money needs. Therefore, there is no need to give a security. We give the best loan offers on personal loan for Verizon employees at bookmyloans.in. So, Apply online to book your personal loan now.
What is the eligibility for a personal loan for Verizon employees?
Age | 21-60 years |
Work Exp. | Min 1 month in the current org. |
Total Work Exp. | At least 2 years. |
Min. Net Income | Rs. 18,000-20000/- p.m. |
What are the documents needed for a personal loan?
Identity Proof | Passport; PAN or Aadhar Card; Voter ID; Driving license. 2 Photographs. |
Residential Proof | Passport; Driving License; Voter ID;Electricity bill. |
Income Proof | Latest 3 months’ income slip as well as 6 months’ bank account statement. |
Why do banks approve Verizon employees applications for personal loans?
>>It is due to their connection to a good company name.
>>High income means good repayment capacity.
>>All in all, this means low lender risk.