Car Loan is the best way to get finance for your car. If you want to purchase your dream car, but you can’t afford it then you can avail a car loan. Car Loan provides finance for purchasing the car. You can repay the amount in installments. Own your favourite car that you have always dreamt with attractive features of a Car Loan. We offer car loans for New Car, Pre-Owned car and even a loan against car. Avail the Best Car Loan on Lowest Interest Rates and Affordable EMIs and Ride your Dream Car.
Loan up to 100% of the ex-showroom price.
Loan tenure up to 7 years.
Pre-Qualified Car Loans for existing customers.
Attractive rate of interest.
Easy documentation.
Online Approval for your Auto Loan in 4 hrs.
Just Apply online for Auto loan in 2 Minutes.
Flexible repayment options.
Fast, Reliable Service.
Attractive deals from associated car dealers.
Insurance cover for Loan Liability available, repayable along with EMI.
Zero Pre-payment charges under ‘MultiAdvantage Car Loans’ product.
Online Approval.
Car Finance at your Doorsteps.
Car Loan Eligibility
For salaried
The candidate should be above 25 years old at the time of application, and upto 58 years of age at the time of maturity of the loan.
Annual income of at least Rs. 2.50 lakh.
The total employment stability should be more than 2 years and current employment stability of minimum 1 year.
For Self-Employed Individuals
Any proprietor, partner, professional or director above 28 years but below 65 years at the time of the loan maturity.
Gross annual income of at least Rs. 2.00 lac.
Current business stability should be 2 years or total more than 3 years.
Partnership Firm
Firm should have a minimum PAT (profit after tax) of Rs. 2.00 lakh Business income as per ITR or Profit as per P/L.
Current business stability should be 2 years or total more than 3 years.
Private public ltd co
Limited companies should have been in existence for at least 3 years.
Minimum PAT (profit after tax) of Rs. 2.00 lakh Business income as per ITR or Profit as per
Car Loan Documents
Keeping your convenience in mind, we ask you for minimal mandatory documents for the sanctioning of your car loan.
Income Proof
Self-Employed individuals: Income Tax Returns of 2 previous financial years.
Partnership Firms, Societies & Companies: Income Tax returns of 2 previous financial years along with complete financial/audit report.
Documents supporting customer information: Identity Proof, Signature Proof,Recent passport size colour photograph and Address Proof as per Bank norms (Dialabank representative will help you choose suitable documents).
Business/employment stability proof.
Ownership proof required if self-employed individuals.
Bank statements.
Other Documents
Partnership Firms: Partnership deed and Letter signed by all partners authorising one partner to execute the required Car Loans documentation.
Societies and Companies: Resolution by Board of Directors (or such managing body) & Memorandum & Articles of Association (or Society/Trust deed).Our representative will help you with the formats of documents and the information required.